The Study on the Overall Condition of Sports Festivals in the Late Choseon Dynasty 구한말 운동회의 개최실태에 관한 연구
손환HwanSon , 박상석SangSeokPark
52(3) 1-13, 2013
The Study on the Overall Condition of Sports Festivals in the Late Choseon Dynasty 구한말 운동회의 개최실태에 관한 연구
손환HwanSon , 박상석SangSeokPark
This study investigates the conditions surrounding the sports festivals of the Late Choseon Dynasty. In Particular, the study focuses on the number of festivals held, as well as where and when they took place and who hosted. The findings of this study are based on official gazettes, annals, diaries, newspapers, reports, and rule books, all from the Choseon Dynasty period. Findings show that there were 406 sports festivals held during the Choseon Dynasty period, most of which took place in Gyeonggi-do, which includes the cities of Hanseong and Incheon. There were several festivals held in October and November, but the largest number of festivals occurred from April to June. Regarding location, some festivals were held along the riverside or on the plains, while others were conducted in palaces, Buddhist temples, cemeteries, pavilions, ports, and schools. The most common locations were the Samseonpyeoung and Jangchungdan training centers in Hanseong. Schools were the most common hosts of these sports festivals, but they were also sometimes hosted by various coalitions, communities, and/or individuals. The two most common starting times of the festivals were 8 and 9 o'clock, followed by 10, 13, 7, and 11 o'clock in that order.
Key Words
the Late Choseon Dynasty , Condition, Where, Hosts, When of the Spoerts Festivals took place
The Study on the Process of the Participating & its Evaluation of the Korean Olympic Team in the 15th Helsinki Olympics(1952) 제15회 헬싱키올림픽대회(1952) 한국 참가과정과 그 평가에 관한 연구
52(3) 15-26, 2013
The Study on the Process of the Participating & its Evaluation of the Korean Olympic Team in the 15th Helsinki Olympics(1952) 제15회 헬싱키올림픽대회(1952) 한국 참가과정과 그 평가에 관한 연구
This article presents the story behind how Korea participated in the 15th Olympics in Helsinki. Even though Korea was at war they still had the ability to send athletes representing Korea, and it's power, at the 15th Olympics in Helsinki. Financial support was made possible by selling supporters a commemoration badge and by gathering donations from either the American army or from Koreans that were living abroad. Not only was the financial support of the games difficult, but there was animosity and quarrels with the olympic teams, people involved in physical education and the government up until the departure of the players. By winning 2 bronze medals, Korea ranked in position 37 of a total of 69 countries, that participated. Even though, it was a great opportunity made by the Koreans, to show their patriotism, freedom of the country and a positive image, at the Helsinki Olympics unfortunately, there were some undesirable problems when it came to the selection of players, usage of finance and low ranking of the games.
Key Words
Korea, olympic games, the 15th Helsinki olympic games
The activities and thoughts of Jung Sang-yun, a luminary in Korean basketball history 한국 농구의 태두(泰斗)정상윤의 체육활동과 사상
이병규ByeongGyuLee , 유성연SungYeonYoo
52(3) 27-37, 2013
The activities and thoughts of Jung Sang-yun, a luminary in Korean basketball history 한국 농구의 태두(泰斗)정상윤의 체육활동과 사상
이병규ByeongGyuLee , 유성연SungYeonYoo
Korean sports luminary Jung Sang-Yun. The points are summarized as follows First, 1936 Tokyo Olympics. After Korea gained independence from Japan, maintaining his career as a coach for a basketball team, he joined 1948 London Olympics and 1952 Helsinki Olympics as the first-ever Korean referee for international basketball games. Second, at the same period of time, he led the reconstruction of Josun-cheukhoe taking up the position of general affairs director. When the reconstruction of Josun-cheukhoe was completed on 26th of November in 1945, he drew up regulations and articles of the association where he was working as an executive director. After Korea was divided into North and South, he was called 'the living history of Korea's Olympic activity' and took a leading role in boosting South Korean sports, taking up positions such as senior member of the conference for organizing unified Korean team for 1963 Tokyo Olympics and general affairs manager of KOC. Third, Jung Sang-Yun depicted sports as an ethical standard that makes up virtue of human life, and sportsmen as both educators and passion providers for human life.
Key Words
Jung Sang-Yun, basketball, Olympics
Symbol of Dance(3) -focusing on Tango- 춤의 상징(3) -탱고를 중심으로-
52(3) 39-48, 2013
Symbol of Dance(3) -focusing on Tango- 춤의 상징(3) -탱고를 중심으로-
This study focuses on symbol in order to investigate the ways symbols are used in Tango, what they mean, and what roles they play in each type of dance sport. It is a follow-up study from my previous researches on symbols in Paso Doble and Samba. For this reason, definitions and general concepts of symbol overlapping with the previous works were not addressed in this paper. It deals mainly with symbols in the form of Tango from the view of cultural contexts. The symbol of Tango composes with premise of transfer between its creator and appreciator. Therefore, analyzing what Tango means from the viewpoint of symbol works as a key factor in order to figure out the meaning and form which integrates separate parts of art among the creator, artwork, and the audience into the meaning system of symbol. Finally, this study shows the symbol of dance by analyzing sociocultural elements inherent in the movements of Tango.
Key Words
tango, symbol, Asthetik von unten
Implication of Physical Education Based on the Lao-Tzu`s Thought 노자 사상의 체육적 함의
52(3) 49-58, 2013
Implication of Physical Education Based on the Lao-Tzu`s Thought 노자 사상의 체육적 함의
The purpose of this study was to inquire implication of physical education based on the Lao-Tzu’s thought. In order to investigate this purpose, I analyzed the text of Lao-Tzu. Tao of Lao-Tzu is the origin of all things, on the other hand it is the principle of existence. Therefore Tao is the origin of human being. Say in other words, it can be the original nature, and the purpose of physical education in Lao-Tzu is to recover the original nature. The ideal type of human being which Lao-Tzu presented proved it move concretely. What ideal type of human being exists is to demand the process that he efforts to arrive in it, namely the process is physical education. The effort is to recover the original nature and to return again to Tao, and that is an idea of physical education of Lao-Tzu and ideal of physical education. Therefore this paper proposed a directivity that Korean physical education head for with the subject entitled the foundation of physical education. It is said that first, ‘the physical education of a human center’ puts a simpled nature on the center of physical education value. Second, it is proposed that the opposition and complication will be overcome if a man breaks of a habit of relative distinguish and recognizes a counterpart. Third, it is proposed that the physical education don’t follow the magnificence that is exposed outwardly, but attaches importance to the essence that inquires into a true value closely comes under the essence.
Decisive Factors of Social Status in Cyber-Sports Community`s Network and Getting Resource: The Strength of Weak Ties 사이버 스포츠공동체 연결망에서의 사회적 지위 결정요인과 자원획득: 약한 연결의 강함
52(3) 59-77, 2013
Decisive Factors of Social Status in Cyber-Sports Community`s Network and Getting Resource: The Strength of Weak Ties 사이버 스포츠공동체 연결망에서의 사회적 지위 결정요인과 자원획득: 약한 연결의 강함
This study examined the determinants of social status in cyber-sports community's network and getting resource. This study selected a total of 242 members of eight cyber sports community based on offline and online cafe such as 'Naver', 'Daum' using purposive sampling method. Netminer 4.0 and social network analysis were used. The conclusion is following. First, network structure is star-type form consisted of several subgroups and executives with general members occupies an important position. Determinants of social status of offline networks have characteristics of the good people, motor skill, humor, sociability, executives, exercise knowledge, economic power. Determinants of social status of online networks have characteristics of the good people, executives, sociability, exercise knowledge, motor skills, humor, cafes Post written. Second, members of network acquire more instrumental resources than material resources, social resources. Third, informal social status and the strength of connection in network are related with getting resource, but formal social status are not related.
Key Words
Cyber-sports community, network, decisive factor, social status, getting resource, strength of weak ties
The Development and Verification of Team Building Program in Physical Education Classes for Improvement of Sociality 사회성 발달을 위한 팀빌딩체육프로그램의 개발과 효과검증
황성하SungHaHwang , 이창섭ChangSeopLee
52(3) 79-101, 2013
The Development and Verification of Team Building Program in Physical Education Classes for Improvement of Sociality 사회성 발달을 위한 팀빌딩체육프로그램의 개발과 효과검증
황성하SungHaHwang , 이창섭ChangSeopLee
The purpose of this study is to develop team building program in physical education classes for middle school students to develop sociality and to verify effectiveness of the program. For the purpose of this study, team building program was developed and verified following program development procedures composed of ‘demand analysis’, ‘program structuring’, ‘preliminary study’, and ‘program execution and improvement’. At the first stage, the goal of team building program in physical education classes was established. As a result, it was concluded that the team building mediation for ‘positive mindset,' ‘fair play spirit,' ‘social responsibility,' ‘positive interaction,' ‘personal relations,' and ‘team spirit' is required for middle school students to develop sociality in physical education classes. At the second stage, activities and strategies were decided to achieve the goal of team building program in physical education classes. At the third stage, preliminary study was conducted to verify effectiveness and feasibility of the first version of the program. At the fourth stage, effectiveness was of the developed program. As a result, qualitative effects of the program were improvement of positive mindset, fair play spirit, social responsibility, positive interaction, personal relations, and team spirit among middle school students, while quantitative ones were activity, sense of achievement, sociality, and autonomy.
Key Words
team building program, physical education classes, sociality
Investigating the Factorial Invariance and Latent Means of Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire in Physical Education Classes 체육 학습동기화 전략 질문지의 구인 동등성과 잠재평균 차이
정구인KooInJung , 박중길JungGilPark
52(3) 103-114, 2013
Investigating the Factorial Invariance and Latent Means of Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire in Physical Education Classes 체육 학습동기화 전략 질문지의 구인 동등성과 잠재평균 차이
정구인KooInJung , 박중길JungGilPark
The purpose of this study was to investigate cross-validity of the constructs of Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (Pintrich & DeGroot, 1990) modified into physical education context and its relations with behavioral regulations in order to explore conceptual structures of students' motivated strategies for learning in secondary school physical education classes. 851 secondary students participated in the study. For data, descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, internal consistency, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, multiple-group analysis were conducted. The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the conceptual structures of motivated strategies for learning in physical education, which consist of 23items with five sub-factors(motivational beliefs=self-efficacy, intrinsic value, evaluation anxiety; self-regulation strategies=use of cognitive strategy and self-regulation), were confirmed. Its temporal stability through test-retest was examined. The results of latent mean analysis cross gender and grade indicated that in all factors boys were higher than girls and high school students were higher in self-efficacy than middle school students. Especially, motivational beliefs were significant predictors of students' behavioral regulation in physical education classes.
Key Words
secondary school physical education, physical education class, motivated strategies for learning, self-regulated learning
Reciprocal Interaction of Procedural Memory and Declarative Memory during Motor Skill Acquisition 운동기술 습득 중 절차기억과 서술기억의 상호조절 작용
The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of procedural and declarative memory formation when secondary procedural memory was introduced. After an initial sequential reaction time task practice session, Three groups of subjects practiced another task with a newly prescribed sequence in 3 different (implicit, explicit, and random) practice conditions. Upon completion of the second task practice, subjects waited 12 hours, and performed a retention test measuring response time (reflecting the procedural memory formation) and a free recall test (declarative memory formation). Results showed that, first, the amount of the procedural memory gain during the second task was the greatest in implicit and explicit groups confirming the effectiveness of experimental treatment. On the other hand, the changes in the amount of procedural memory acquisition influenced by the second task wasn't significantly different among groups. Finally, implicit group showed significantly better declarative memory retention performance (free recall) when compared to the others. These results indicate that the formation of procedural memory can be inhibited by introduction of another procedural memory. Further, because of there reciprocal interaction, changes in the procedural memory also can be reflected in the declarative memory formation.
Key Words
procedural memory, declarative memory, implicit learning, sequential reaction time task
Mediation Effects of Basic Psychological Needs on the Relationship Between Coach-Athlete Relationship and Burnout in Elite Athletes 코치-선수관계와 엘리트 운동선수 탈진의 관계에서 기본 심리 욕구의 매개효과 검증
최헌혁HunHyukChoi , 허진영JinYoungHuh , 김석규SukKyuKim
52(3) 129-141, 2013
Mediation Effects of Basic Psychological Needs on the Relationship Between Coach-Athlete Relationship and Burnout in Elite Athletes 코치-선수관계와 엘리트 운동선수 탈진의 관계에서 기본 심리 욕구의 매개효과 검증
최헌혁HunHyukChoi , 허진영JinYoungHuh , 김석규SukKyuKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the mediation effects of the basic psychological needs (i.e., autonomy, competence, and relatedness) on the relationships between the perceived coach-athlete relationship and athlete burnout. Participants (N=303) completed the questionnaires of the perceived coach-athlete relationship, basic psychological needs, and athlete burnout. SPSS18.0 and AMOS16.0 were used to analyze the descriptive statistics, correlations, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling of the data in this study. The results showed that the perceived coach-athlete relationship first affected the basic psychological needs(BPN). Secondly, the BPN significantly affected the athlete burnout. There were finally the partial mediation effects of the BPN on the relationships between the perceived coach-athlete relationship and athlete burnout. We discussed the psychological aspect of the athlete burnout process and the aspect of the relationship between coaches and athletes. The results of this study may provide useful information for both coaches and sport psychology consultants to prevent from athlete burnout and enhance performance.
Research Trends and Academic Issues of Chinese Korean Dance 중국 조선족무용의 연구경향과 학문적 과제
백상춘SangChunBaek , 김현식HyunSikKim
52(3) 143-158, 2013
Research Trends and Academic Issues of Chinese Korean Dance 중국 조선족무용의 연구경향과 학문적 과제
백상춘SangChunBaek , 김현식HyunSikKim
The purpose of this study was to analyze the study trend of Korean-Chinese's dance and to suggest the academic task. In order to achieve this purpose, it analyzed 105 research for Korean-Chinese's dance published on national-first level publications and national-core publications in China. The results of the analysis and the interpretation of the collected research are as follows: First, dance criticism was the most-researched field, and fundamental theory of dance, creation and expression of dance, culture and media, dance music and dance figure were conducted in the research of Korean-Chinese's dance. In terms of the research method, the method of descriptive study was the most popular, and the methods of philosophical research, historical research, literature review were also used. Second, dance research was published the most in 'Dance' and after the treaty of amity between Korea and China. The greatest number of research was published in the field of dance criticism before the treaty of amity between Korea and China, and descriptive method was used the most. However, after the treaty of amity between Korea and China, dance education was the most popular and the methods of philosophical research, literature review, and historical research as well as descriptive research were utilized. Third, academic identity should be found in the field of research, and a variety of methods applied to and the form of academic articles should be systematically improved in the research method.
Key Words
research trends, academic issues, Korean-Chinese's dance
Analysis on Importance and Performance of the Sport Instructor System by Elementary School Teachers 초등 교사들의 스포츠강사 제도에 대한 중요도와 성취도 분석 연구
우숙진SukJinWoo , 정진성JinSungJung , 김영식YoungSikKim
52(3) 159-169, 2013
Analysis on Importance and Performance of the Sport Instructor System by Elementary School Teachers 초등 교사들의 스포츠강사 제도에 대한 중요도와 성취도 분석 연구
우숙진SukJinWoo , 정진성JinSungJung , 김영식YoungSikKim
The purpose of this study is to provide basic data on effective sport instructor system through analyzing the current status and teachers’ understanding of it’s importance and the sport instructor system performance. First, the importance and performance according as to gender of the elementary school teachers were statistically significant difference for physical education teaching range, student field effects and sport instructors qualities-abilities. By career, importance awareness of class field effects and performance perception of physical education teaching range had a statistically significant difference. Importance and performance from five areas according classes type, the difference was statistically significant. Second, the details question part showed statistically significant difference for supporting PAPs, showing sport skills, student safety guidance-management, co-teaching with teachers between importance and performance awareness. Class field effects, student field effects, sport instructors qualities-abilities showed a statistically significant difference from all parts of the details. Third, the first quadrant showed 11 of the 25 items in the sport instructor system, the second quadrant showed 4 items, the third quadrant showed 7 items, the forth quadrant showed 3 items.
Key Words
IPA, Sport Instructor, Importance
Association Between Physical Education Class and Perceived Stress in Korean Adolescents: The Eighth Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey, 2012 한국 청소년의 체육수업 참여와 스트레스 인지와의 연관성
Association Between Physical Education Class and Perceived Stress in Korean Adolescents: The Eighth Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey, 2012 한국 청소년의 체육수업 참여와 스트레스 인지와의 연관성
This study aims to examine the association between physical education class frequency and perceived stress in Korean adolescents. The study used data obtained from the eighth(2012) Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey, targeting a total of 74,186 middle and high school students. In order to investigate the relationship between physical education class frequency and perceived stress, we performed complex sample design logistic regression to calculate Odds Ratio(0R) and Confidence Interval(CI) after adjusting for school grade, academic achievement, family affluence, self-rated physique, living with both parents, and violence victimization. The OR(95% CI) for male students participating once, twice, and more than thrice PE class, as compared to nonparticipation, were .885(.823-.952), .807(.753-.864), and .753(.706-.803), respectively. In the case of female students, OR values were .963(.901-1.030), .907(.849-.969), and .879(.821-.941), respectively. Through the logistic regression analysis, we found that the more PE classes students attend, the more perceived stress was alleviated in both male and female students. These results mean that increased PE class leads to a decline in the number of adolescents who perceive stress. In conclusion, in order to reduce perceived stress of Korean adolescents, it may be necessary to encourage PE class participation.
Key Words
KYRBS, physical education class, perceived stress, Korean adolescents
An Analysis of College Students` Satisfaction on Physical Education as Liberal Education in Korea 우리나라 대학생의 교양 체육에 대한 만족도 분석
유정애JeongAeYou , 권민정MinJungKwon , 오수학SuHakOh
52(3) 183-195, 2013
An Analysis of College Students` Satisfaction on Physical Education as Liberal Education in Korea 우리나라 대학생의 교양 체육에 대한 만족도 분석
유정애JeongAeYou , 권민정MinJungKwon , 오수학SuHakOh
The purpose of this study is to analyze college students' satisfaction on physical education as liberal education in Korea. For doing this, total 30 national and private universities are selected to implement survey that would investigate the level of college students' satisfaction on college students enrolled in the courses of physical education as physical education. Total 1097 college students among all collected questionnaires are finally chosen to analyze frequency and crosstabulation analysis. In this study, college students' satisfaction on physical education are analyzed in 8 items according to sex, university type, grade, and major. The findings have showed that it is statistically significant in all items according to sex, grade and major. Moreover, it is statistically significant in seven items except for teaching expertise. In conclusion, satisfaction level of males students, juniors and seniors, national university students, and engineering students have being highly satisfied than females, juniors and seniors, private university students and other majors.
Key Words
liberal education, physical education, curriculum, educational competency
The Causal Relationship Among Brand Attribute, Brand Benefit and Brand Royalty of Professional Baseball Teams 프로야구팀 브랜드 속성과 편익이 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향
김진국JinKookKim , 강현민HyunMinKang
52(3) 197-211, 2013
The Causal Relationship Among Brand Attribute, Brand Benefit and Brand Royalty of Professional Baseball Teams 프로야구팀 브랜드 속성과 편익이 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향
김진국JinKookKim , 강현민HyunMinKang
This study was aimed to provide effective data for the successful operation of pro baseball teams’brand marketing strategies through verifying the causal relationship among brand attitude, benefit and brand loyalty. For this purpose, this research conducted a questionnaire survey for 609 spectators whose areas are Seoul and Incheon city. As a sampling method, this study used stratified sampling and got the subjects to draw up a questionnaire through self-administration method. For data analysis, this study used SPSS PC+12.0 and multiple regression analysis was performed. The results were found as follows;
first, brand attitudes were found to have a significant effect partially on brand loyalty. Second, all sub factors of brand benefit except community pride factor were indicated to affect brand loyalty in a positive way. In conclusion, pro baseball teams should manage the components that make up the brand portfolio by constructing a clearly established role in the team's brand equity, above all, continued investment in long-term perspective and feedback are essential to survive and make activation in market.
Key Words
professional baseball teams, brand attribute, brand benefit, brand loyalty
Effect of sport for all recognition on satisfaction, flow and continuous intention of participation of university students 대학생의 생활체육 인식이 참여만족, 몰입 및 참여지속의도에 미치는 영향
한태용TaeYongHan , 이계석KyrSokLee , 최성범SungBumChoi
52(3) 213-223, 2013
Effect of sport for all recognition on satisfaction, flow and continuous intention of participation of university students 대학생의 생활체육 인식이 참여만족, 몰입 및 참여지속의도에 미치는 영향
한태용TaeYongHan , 이계석KyrSokLee , 최성범SungBumChoi
This study elucidated the relationship between recognition of “sport for all” and satisfaction, flow and continuous intention of participation of university students through structural equation model analysis. In order to achieve the purpose of study, survey was carried out for total 500 students by 100 persons per each university from target university students participating “sport for all” in K, I Universities(Incheon), K University(Gyeonggi-do), G University(Gangwon-do) and J University(Jeolla-do). Analyzable 473 data sheets were selected among collected 500 sheets for final valid samples except 27 sheets which were assessed as stale response, unwritten, redundant fill or unreliable response. Data processing were carried out using PASW Ver18.0 and AMOS10.0. The results are as follows. Firstly, recognition of “sport for all” showed significant influence on participation satisfaction. Secondly, recognition of ”sport for all“ showed significant influence on flow. Thirdly, participation satisfaction showed significant influence on flow. Fourth, participation satisfaction showed significant influence on continuous intention of participation. Lastly, flow showed significant influence on continuous intention of participation.
Key Words
sport for all recognition, satisfaction, flow, continuous intention
Analyzing Disappointments Came from Professional Baseball Pans Based on Conjoint Analysis 컨조인트 분석을 활용한 프로야구 팬들의 실망요인 분석
배정섭JungSupBae , 조광민KwangMinCho , 곽민석MinSeokKwag
52(3) 225-237, 2013
Analyzing Disappointments Came from Professional Baseball Pans Based on Conjoint Analysis 컨조인트 분석을 활용한 프로야구 팬들의 실망요인 분석
배정섭JungSupBae , 조광민KwangMinCho , 곽민석MinSeokKwag
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relative priority of selection disappointments and market segmentation through conjoint analysis. The 280 survey questionnaires were distributed and 262 data were used for the actual analysis. By using PASW Ver. 18.0, Conjoint analysis, frequency analysis, cluster analysis and chi-square were implemented. The results of the study were as follows. First, among 4 selection attributes including team, facilities, service and scandal, the most disappointed factor was 'facilities'. Second, as a result of cluster analysis based on conjoint analysis , 3 groups was classified, group1 disappointed of facilities, group2 disappointed of team, group3 disappointed of service and scandal. Third, as implementing chi-square in order to identify the relationship between classified groups and the demographic factors, differences were caused by age, gender, supporting team, the frequency of visiting baseball stadium.
Key Words
conjoint analysis, disappointments, market segmentation, professional baseball
Identification of Differences Between Importance and Satisfaction of Triathlon Competition Factors Using the IPA Method IPA 기법을 활용한 철인3종 경기운영요소에 대한 중요도와 만족도의 차이분석
김형남HyungNamKim , 김수잔SuSanKim
52(3) 239-250, 2013
Identification of Differences Between Importance and Satisfaction of Triathlon Competition Factors Using the IPA Method IPA 기법을 활용한 철인3종 경기운영요소에 대한 중요도와 만족도의 차이분석
김형남HyungNamKim , 김수잔SuSanKim
The purpose of this study was to measure and compare the importance and satisfaction level of triathlon competition factors using the IPA method. In order to achieve this goal, participants were selected from the 2012 Uljin Triathlon by the convenience sampling method and surveyed, but upon discarding data judged to be unreliable, only data from 181 participants were analyzed. Analysis consisted of paired samples t-test using the SPSS Window 20.0 program, and the results are as follows. First, there were differences between the degree of importance and satisfaction for factors of direction, approachability, safety, operation and expense. Second, 'priority' factors included direction, approachability, safety, and operation, and there were no 'high priority' factors. Also, 'low priority' factors were shown to be expense and reward, and 'maintain' factor was shown to be atmosphere.
Key Words
triathlon, sport competition operation factors, importance, satisfaction
F1 in a Global Context: A Cross-Cultural Examination of Marketing Activities and Behavioral Intentions 국적에 따른 조절효과를 통해 분석한 F1 대회의 마케팅믹스, 관람만족, 재관람의사 및 구전의도 관계
권웅WoongKwon , 이현우HyunWooLee , 김민정MinJungKin
52(3) 251-266, 2013
F1 in a Global Context: A Cross-Cultural Examination of Marketing Activities and Behavioral Intentions 국적에 따른 조절효과를 통해 분석한 F1 대회의 마케팅믹스, 관람만족, 재관람의사 및 구전의도 관계
권웅WoongKwon , 이현우HyunWooLee , 김민정MinJungKin
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among marketing mix variables, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions by targeting spectators who participated in the 2012 F1 Grand Prix in Korea and United States. For the purpose, authors focused on spectators' perceived marketing activities, satisfaction, revisit intention, and word-of-mouth, according to cultural contexts between the nations. Accordingly, moderating effect by nations―relevant to cultural context―was examined via MIMIC CFA and multiple-group SEM. Results are shown as following. First, latent measures of cultural contexts and perceptions toward marketing mix variables were heterogeneous across nations. Second, marketing mix variables had partial effects on revisit intentions and word-of-mouth. Third, satisfaction had partial effects on revisit intentions and word-of-mouth. Fourth, nationality partially effected the relationships among the variables. Findings suggest that elaborations of local variations in geocentric marketing activities are in need of illumination in the field of global sport marketing.
Key Words
cultural context, marketing mix, satisfaction, intention to revisit, word of mouth
The Structural Relationship of Professional Basketball Team-Spectator Relationship, Team attitude, Team Image and Brand Equity of Parent Companies 프로농구 구단-관중관계성과 구단태도, 구단이미지 그리고 모기업 브랜드자산의 구조적 관계
김세윤SeYunKim , 김용만YongManKim
52(3) 267-283, 2013
The Structural Relationship of Professional Basketball Team-Spectator Relationship, Team attitude, Team Image and Brand Equity of Parent Companies 프로농구 구단-관중관계성과 구단태도, 구단이미지 그리고 모기업 브랜드자산의 구조적 관계
김세윤SeYunKim , 김용만YongManKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among professional basketball team-spectator relationships, team attitude, team image and parent companies brand equity(parent company image, perceived quality, parent company attitude, and parent company loyalty). The survey was conducted through the home spectators who participated professional basketball league of KB card for the 2011-2012 season. 100 spectators from each team, Wonju Dongbu, Busan KT, Jeonju KCC and Incheon Etland were selected for this survey. Excluded 15 inappropriate data a total of 381 questionnaires out of 400 were adapted as a final data. The statistical methods applied for this study were PASW 18.0 and Amos 18.0 for confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The results of the study were as follows. First, in subordinate factors of team-spectator relationships, the connectedness and balance of communication had a significant effect on team attitude. Second, the team attitude had a significant effect on team image. Third, the team image had a significant effect on parent company image. Fourth, the parent company image had significant effects on perceived quality and loyalty toward the parent company. Fifth, the perceived quality did not have a significant effect on the loyalty toward the parent company. Lastly, the attitude toward the parent company had a significant effect on the loyalty toward the parent company.
Key Words
team-spectator relationships, team attitude, team image, brand equity of parent companies
The Relation Between Conspicuous Consumption, Peers Conformity and Reference Group on the Spending of Brand Sporting Goods among Adolescent 브랜드 스포츠용품소비에 따른 청소년의 준거집단과 또래 동조성 및 과시소비행동의 관계
52(3) 285-297, 2013
The Relation Between Conspicuous Consumption, Peers Conformity and Reference Group on the Spending of Brand Sporting Goods among Adolescent 브랜드 스포츠용품소비에 따른 청소년의 준거집단과 또래 동조성 및 과시소비행동의 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between conspicuous consumption, peers conformity and reference group on the spending of brand sporting godds among adolescent. The young adolescent(N=341) were selected as usable data by stratified cluster random sampling. Data was collected by questionnaire that responsed by self-administrated method. According to research mater, the SPSS 19.0 version are used for the analysis of the data and Structural Equation Modeling(SEM) was used to examine the relationship between variable, both latent and observed. The hypothesized model was improved upon by allowing the path between conspicuous consumption, peers conformity and reference group. The increment in fit was highly significant(x2=93.537, df=17, p<.001). The results were as follows; First, it was showed that reference group had positive influence on the peers conformity. Second, it was showed that peers conformity had influence on the conspicuous consumption. Third, it was showed that the reference group had positive influence on the conspicuous consumption. And reference group had direct and indirect effects on peers conformity and conspicuous consumption.
The purpose of this study was to analyze tangible and intangible benefits of sports for all by adopting public sports center participants, and to propose the government policy plan to maximize benefits of sports for all. Subjects were employed by over 20s adults who utilize the sports-for-all sports center located in 12 different regions such as Seoul, 6 metropolitan cities, and 5 province cities except Jeju by using a convenient sampling method. A total of 2,000 questionnaires were distributed and 1,982 samples were collected, And 1,805(91.1%) questionnaires were finally analyzed after eliminating 177 incomplete samples. The data was analyzed by factor analysis, descriptive statistics, logistic model, IPA, and WTP by using SPSS 12.0. The findings of this study were as follows. Benefit/Cost ratio was showed 1.23 and Also the result of logistic model analysis, if suggestion money is increased probability of WTP is decreased, and single has a tendency to higher WTP. A physical benefit is the most important thing in the intangible benefits, and a performance, too. But a social benefit was the least important thing in the intangible benefits and a performance, either.
Key Words
Benefits of Sports for All, Tangible Benefits of Sports for All, Intangible Benefits of Sports for All
Analysis of PLS Structural Model Between a Ski Resort`s Price Discounting System and a User`s Attitude & Revisit Intention 스키리조트 가격할인 제도와 이용자의 태도, 재방문의도 간의 PLS 구조모형 분석
52(3) 313-326, 2013
Analysis of PLS Structural Model Between a Ski Resort`s Price Discounting System and a User`s Attitude & Revisit Intention 스키리조트 가격할인 제도와 이용자의 태도, 재방문의도 간의 PLS 구조모형 분석
The aim of this study is to provide the basic data for drawing the satisfaction between a ski resort user and a resort operator through the Smart PLS program-aided empirical analysis with focus on the effect relationship of a ski resort's price discounting system between a user's attitude and revisit intention. For research subjects, this study set up the people in their twenties, who have visited a ski resort from December, 2012 until February in 2013 through the price discounting system carried out by a ski resort, ski shop and card company, as a population, and drew the result as follows by using convenience sampling method, and completing a questionnaire using the self-administration method. First, it was found that the price reduction offered by a ski shop and card company had a positive influence on a user's attitude in the influential relationship of a price reduction offered by a ski resort with user's attitude. Secondly, in the influential relationship of the price reduction offered by a ski resort with a user's intention to revisit, the discount on the price was found to have a positive influence on a user's intention to revisit. Third, it was found that a ski resort user's attitude had a positive influence on the intention to revisit.
The purpose of this research is to present Taekwondo directors practical guides by investigating Taekwondo athletes' satisfaction under different types of directors' leadership types and finally this will help Taekwondo directors perform pragmatic directing operations. To achieve this goal, survey has carried out targeting 350 Taekwondo athletes who participated the Taekwondo championship sponsored by the minister of Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism which was held in Gangwon province.
The data was analyzed by following methods: frequency, correlation analysis, multiple liner regression. The probability of all statistics was set up p<.05 and the results have concluded as follows. there were both trivial and significant correlations between Taekwondo directors' leadership types and Taekwondo athletes' satisfaction. It has shown that Taekwondo directors' leadership types affects, Satisfaction toward Game Content, Satisfaction toward Role in The Team, Satisfaction toward Affiliated Team.
An Empirical Analysis of Perception of Sport-for-all Instructors for Better Multiculture Related Sport-for-all Instructors Education 다문화 관련 생활체육지도자교육 개선방안에 대한 생활체육지도자의 인식 분석
52(3) 337-349, 2013
An Empirical Analysis of Perception of Sport-for-all Instructors for Better Multiculture Related Sport-for-all Instructors Education 다문화 관련 생활체육지도자교육 개선방안에 대한 생활체육지도자의 인식 분석
This study examines perception of sport-for-all instructors in order to improve multiculture related sport-for-all instructors education in multicultural society. It aims to explore and offer some insights to multiculture related sport-for-all instructors education. In doing so, this study utilizes qualitative analysis using in-depth interviews of 10 sport-for-all instructors and 2 public officials in charge of multiculture related tasks. First, the results indicate that sport-for-all instructors with multiculture related teaching and education hold positive perception toward multiculture compared those without such experiences. Second, most sport-for-all instructors respond that their professional knowledge level of multicultural education is low, requiring more education for them. Third, with regard to education, they recognized the necessity of practical knowledge and theories that are applicable to field. Furthermore, they address that on-the-job training should be provided one or two days to improve practical skills.
Exploration of Characteristics and Values of Slack Line 슬랙라인(Slack Line)의 특성과 가치 탐색
김영재YoungJaeKim , 차은주EunJooCha
52(3) 351-361, 2013
Exploration of Characteristics and Values of Slack Line 슬랙라인(Slack Line)의 특성과 가치 탐색
김영재YoungJaeKim , 차은주EunJooCha
This study aims to explore characteristics and values of slack line as a new sports event. For achieving this goal, related literature was considered, and an in-depth interview was conducted with 10 slack line circle members to collect data. For data analysis, Spradley(1980)'s domain analysis and taxonomic analysis were employed, and the authenticity and reliability of data were improved through a review among members. As the result, firstly, the globalization of Korean play, 'tightrope walking', secondly, riding and physical development, thirdly, a play-type extreme sport, fourthly, an environment-friendly sport and fifthly, riding skills and attractions were found to be characteristics of slack line. Also, firstly, physiological values(changes of physical fitness and improvement of attention and quickness), secondly, leisure cultural values(challenge to a extream sport and urban-type play culture) and thirdly, social values(a medium of mutual exchange and attraction of street performance) were found to be leisure values of slack line. In conclusion, as an urban-type play culture, slack line showed values of a leisure sport which promotes challenging physical activities, reproduces contents and causes interaction, at the same time.
Key Words
Slack Line, Physiological Values, Leisure Cultural Values, Social Values, Extreme Sport
Relationship among Leisure Satisfaction, Outcome Expectations, Exercise Adherence and Intention to Dropout of Life Sports Participants 생활체육 참가자의 여가만족과 운동결과기대, 운동지속 및 포기의도의 관계
52(3) 363-378, 2013
Relationship among Leisure Satisfaction, Outcome Expectations, Exercise Adherence and Intention to Dropout of Life Sports Participants 생활체육 참가자의 여가만족과 운동결과기대, 운동지속 및 포기의도의 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among leisure satisfaction, outcome expectations, exercise adherence and intention to dropout of life sports participants. Through convenience sampling method, selected 345 survey questionnaires were used for final analysis from life sports participants. With the collected data, one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis were performed by SPSS 15.0. The results of the analysis were summarized as follows. First, the participant degree and participant purpose showed significantly difference on leisure satisfaction, outcome expectations, exercise adherence and intention to dropout. Second, the social satisfaction and physical satisfaction impacts positively(+) influence on physical benefit, and the social satisfaction, emotional satisfaction, physical satisfaction, and educational satisfaction impacts positively(+) influence on psychological benefit. Third, the emotional satisfaction and physical satisfaction impacts positively(+) influence on intention to exercise adherence, but the emotional satisfaction and physical satisfaction impacts negatively(-) influence on intention to dropout. Fourth, the physical benefit and psychological benefit impacts positively(+) influence on intention to exercise adherence, but the physical benefit and psychological benefit impacts negatively(-) influence on intention to dropout.
Key Words
leisure satisfaction, outcome expectations, intention to exercise adherence, intention to dropout
The Relationship between Serious Leisure and Recreation Specialization of Social Baseball Participants 진지한 여가와 레크리에이션 전문화의 관계: 사회인야구 참여자를 대상으로
김형훈HyungHoonKim , 김종길JongKilKim , 김순희SoonHeeKim
52(3) 379-388, 2013
The Relationship between Serious Leisure and Recreation Specialization of Social Baseball Participants 진지한 여가와 레크리에이션 전문화의 관계: 사회인야구 참여자를 대상으로
김형훈HyungHoonKim , 김종길JongKilKim , 김순희SoonHeeKim
The Purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between serious leisure and recreation specialization of social baseball participants. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, total 283 social baseball participants data were collected in Seoul and Gyeonggi area. For data analysis, SPSS 18.0 were conducted. Through the factor analysis and reliability validation, the questionnaire were able to have its validation and the reliability of questionnaire were acceptable level. The foundlings from factor analysis as follows; First, serious leisure, perseverance, career, effort and identification factors showed positive influence on centrality to life style on recreation specialization which people participate for knowledge acquire by spending a lot of time. Second, effort, benefits, identification and unique ethos of serious leisure showed positive influence on past experience of recreation specialization for developing both value and skills of leisure participation Third, effort, benefits and identification of serious leisure showed positive influence on economic committment of leisure specialization which includes importance of both investment on equipment items and equipment replacement value.
Key Words
serious leisure, recreation specialization, social baseball
The Phased Relationship among Physical Environment of Urban Camping site, Emotional Response, Satisfaction, and Revisit Intention 도심캠핑장의 물리적 환경, 감정반응, 고객만족 및 재방문의도의 관계
김성덕SungDuckKim , 김일광IllGwangKim
52(3) 389-403, 2013
The Phased Relationship among Physical Environment of Urban Camping site, Emotional Response, Satisfaction, and Revisit Intention 도심캠핑장의 물리적 환경, 감정반응, 고객만족 및 재방문의도의 관계
김성덕SungDuckKim , 김일광IllGwangKim
The purpose of this study was to identify the phased relationship among physical environment of urban camping site,emotional response, satisfaction, and revisit intention. 250 campers from 5 camping sites located in Seoul were selected as participants by the convenience sampling method. After data screening, questionnaires from 240 campers were accepted and analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis using PASW Window 18.0 Version program and AMOS 18.0 version programs.
Cronbach's α test was also used to analyze reliability. The results of hypothesis test, First, attractiveness, cleanliness and convenience of urban camping sites significantly and positively influenced customer‘s positive emotional response. However,human service significantly and negatively influenced customer‘s positive emotional response. Second, convenience of urban camping sites significantly and negatively influenced customer‘s negative emotional response. Lastly, there was a significant relationship between positive emotional response and customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction significantly influenced revisit intention.
Analysis of the trend of researches in study of leisure in Korea: Major journals were centered 국내 여가 연구동향 분석 : 주요 학술지를 중심으로
오세숙SaeSookOh , 오경아KyungAOh , 손영미YoungMiSohn
52(3) 405-419, 2013
Analysis of the trend of researches in study of leisure in Korea: Major journals were centered 국내 여가 연구동향 분석 : 주요 학술지를 중심으로
오세숙SaeSookOh , 오경아KyungAOh , 손영미YoungMiSohn
The purpose of this study is to read the trend of leisure in Korea for the last decade, to grasp the current situation, and to forecast the future trend. The method of this study was the top three journals encompassing various subdivisions of leisure.
The data was analyzed based on the “keywords” in the theses in those three top journals from 2000 to 2011. As a result, total of 1,044 theses and 2,294 key words were selected; and the contents analysis was written base on the selected data and information. This result shows that Korea Leisure Study can be divided in to four terms: the first term from 2000 to 2002, the second from 2003 to 2005, the third 2006 to 2008, and the fourth from 2009 to 2011; and it is studied by “the number of published theses,” “the key words of leisure study,” “major study subjects,” and “major study of leisure activities.” The result of this study is as following: First, quantatitive expansion was shown through the present condition of publication about leisure studies. Second, the major research topics were about theoretical development of the leisure. Third, the major study subjects were adults, adolescents, university students, women and senior citizens in order. Fourth, categorizing as sports, dance sports in life sports, ski in winter sports, skin scuba in marine sports and paragliding in risk sports were the most frequently selected for the each category.
Key Words
leisure, research trends
A Study on the Sport Policies of Schools and Local Communities in the UK 영국의 학교체육 정책 및 지역사회체육 정책 고찰
홍은아EunAhHong , 김상범SangBumKim
52(3) 421-430, 2013
A Study on the Sport Policies of Schools and Local Communities in the UK 영국의 학교체육 정책 및 지역사회체육 정책 고찰
홍은아EunAhHong , 김상범SangBumKim
The purpose of this study is to derive the implications for the development of sport policies on Korea by examining the policies of school sport and local community sport in the UK. The results of the study are as follows. First, the UK government firmly considers and is fully aware of the importance of sport activities. Second, the government constantly promotes the cooperation between schools and local sports clubs. Third, the concept of volunteer services is well established.
Fourth, a stable system is established through which relevant policies are implemented based on the cooperation between the government and numerous sport related agencies. The implications for Korean related policies are as follows. Korean government needs to recognize the value and positive effects of sport activities, resolve the lack of sport facilities by a closely knit network between schools and local communities. Also, a paradigm shift regarding volunteer services and transparent policy decision making processes and evaluations are necessary.
Key Words
sport policy, school sport, local community sport, UK
Prediction and Validity of VO2max with Metabolic Variables inSub-maximal Exercise 최대하 운동 대사변인을 이용한 최대산소섭취량 추정 및 타당도
임재형JaeHyengIm , 전유정YooJoungJeon
52(3) 431-440, 2013
Prediction and Validity of VO2max with Metabolic Variables inSub-maximal Exercise 최대하 운동 대사변인을 이용한 최대산소섭취량 추정 및 타당도
임재형JaeHyengIm , 전유정YooJoungJeon
The purpose of this study is to predict V̇O2max with metabolic variables and to examine its validity. The subjects are consisted of 837 male and female subjects aged from 18 to 60, and we separated them into two groups randomly: 649 for sample group,188 for a cross-validation group. They went through maximal exercise testing, and we measured the metabolic responses in the end of the first(3 minute) and second stage(6 minute). To predict V̇O2max, we applied multiple regression analysis to the sample with stepwise method. All 4 models had high R value, low SEE, and low SEE%(R=.75~.85, p<.01, SEE=±3.73~±4.75,SEE%=10.19~12.98, p<.01). The best 2 models were 1. V̇O2max(ml/kg/min) = 75.141-4.381(gender)-.250(6-minute HR)-.112(age)-.414(weight)+.023(6-minute V̇O2)-.010(6-minute V̇CO2)+.097(3-minute HR) and 2. V̇O2max(ml/kg/min)=75.173-4.705(gender)-.169(6-minute HR)-.102(age)-.409(weight)+.024(6-minute V̇O2)-.011(6-minute V̇CO2). Cross-validation also showed correlation between predicted and measured VO2max(R=.62~.79, p<.01), and there was no significant difference (.186
Key Words
estimation of VO2max, multiple regression analysis, cross validation
The Effects of Vinyasa Yoga Exercise on Health-related Fitness and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Healthy Women aged 40-50 years 빈야사 요가 운동이 중년여성들의 건강관련 체력과 CVD 위험요인에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Vinyasa Yoga Exercise on Health-related Fitness and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Healthy Women aged 40-50 years 빈야사 요가 운동이 중년여성들의 건강관련 체력과 CVD 위험요인에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of vinyasa yoga exercise on health-related fitness and cardiovascular disease risk factors in women. 20 healthy women aged 40 and 50 years volunteered to participate in the study. Subjects were divided into two groups (yoga: 12, control: 9). Body composition, health-related fitness and blood lipids were analyzed.
Exercise group performed Vinyasa Yoga for 12 weeks (3times per week, 60min per session). The results showed that significant decreases were found for body fat mass(p<0.001), %fat(p<0.05), and %fat in abdomen(p<0.001) in yoga exercise group. Also, blood lipids including total cholesterol(TC), trigriceride(TG), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL-C) decreased significantly in Yoga exercise group between pre and post test. However we could not find any differences on GOT, GPT, r-GPT and glucose between two groups. Yoga exercise group showed significant improvement in sit and reach, stork standing and VO2max during the study. In conclusion, this study reveals that yoga exercise decreases body fat and lipid profiles, but increases fitness factors such as flexibility, balance and cardiorespiratory in healthy women.
Key Words
vinyasa, health-related fitness, cardiovascular disease, total cholesterol, Low-density Lipoprotein
A Study on Anaerobic Ability and Body Composition of VDR Gene Polymorphism in Short Tract Speed Skaters VDR 유전자 다형성에 따른 쇼트트랙 스피드 스케이트 선수들의 무산소성 능력 및 체성분에 관한 연구
A Study on Anaerobic Ability and Body Composition of VDR Gene Polymorphism in Short Tract Speed Skaters VDR 유전자 다형성에 따른 쇼트트랙 스피드 스케이트 선수들의 무산소성 능력 및 체성분에 관한 연구
This study is to investigate the relationship between anaerobic ability by VDR gene type and body composition for 40 male players of Korean national short track speed skate in the grade of backup athlete based on the rank of national Korean national team selective final match in Apr. 2011, registered in Korea Skating Union. As the result of anaerobic ability and body composition test, all these variables were investigated for significant differences using one-wey ANOVA and the conclusions were as follows. For the frequency distribution for VDR gene polymorphism in male players of short track speed skate, there were 14 players (35%) in FF type, 22 players (55%) in Ff type and 4 players (10%) in ff type. As the result of measuring anaerobic ability by VDR gene type of male players in short track speed skate, ff type is higher than Ff type and FF type in Peak power(W), ff type is higher than Ff type and FF type in Peak power(kg), ff type is higher than Ff type and FF type in Average power(W), ff type is higher than Ff type and FF type in Average power(kg) and there was a significant difference statistically (p<.01). As the result of analyzing body composition by VDR gene type of male players in short track speed skate, there was no significant difference.
Key Words
Anaerobic Ability, Body Composition, VDR Gene, Short Tract Speed Skaters
Influence of Brain Neuroplasticity Related Factor and Working Memory by Aerobic Exercise in Middle School Students 유산소운동이 중학생의 뇌 신경가소성 관련인자와 작업기억력에 미치는 영향
조원제WonJeCho , 전용균YongKyunJeon
52(3) 463-473, 2013
Influence of Brain Neuroplasticity Related Factor and Working Memory by Aerobic Exercise in Middle School Students 유산소운동이 중학생의 뇌 신경가소성 관련인자와 작업기억력에 미치는 영향
조원제WonJeCho , 전용균YongKyunJeon
The purppose of this study was to observe the influence on neuroplascity related factors and working memory by triweekly aerobic exercise for eight weeks. the participants were male middle-school students who were divided into two groups; control group(n=8) and aerobic exercise group(n=9) by treadmill. 65% VO2max intensity was 200 kcal to quantity of exercise and method for calculating exercise time and exercise speed(ACSM, 2006) by individualized speed level applied to the aerobic exercise group on the basis of the individualized exercise program and control group is non exercise. all data were analyzed two-way ANOVA for repeated measurement. in case of significant within groups and interaction. and after aerobic exercise data influence analyzed with multiple regression analysis. neither neuroplasticity related factors (serotonin, IGF-1, growth hormone, testosterone) nor working memory were not significant in the control group, but IGF-1, testosterone, and working memory were significant in the aerobic exercise group (p<.05, p<.01, p<.01). interaction effect between the groups and time period was significant in IGF-1 and testosterone (p<.05, p<.001). after aerobic exercise, serotonin, IGF-1, growth hormone, and testosterone were not statistically effective on working memory as a result of which depicts the influence of neuroplasticity on working memory(F=0.265). thus, in order for middle-school students to improve working memory, it is necessary for a follow-up study to enhance working memory depending on modality, intensity, and duration of exercise.
Key Words
neuroplasticity, serotonin, IGF-1, growth hormone, testosterone, working memory, aerobic exercise, meddle school student
Assessment of Usefulness in TES Program of Sports Talent Identification and Development 스포츠탤런트 발굴ㆍ육성 프로그램(TES)의 유용성 평가
이미숙MiSookLee , 김예성YeSeungKim , 어수주SuJuEo
52(3) 475-482, 2013
Assessment of Usefulness in TES Program of Sports Talent Identification and Development 스포츠탤런트 발굴ㆍ육성 프로그램(TES)의 유용성 평가
이미숙MiSookLee , 김예성YeSeungKim , 어수주SuJuEo
The purpose of this study was to assess the usefulness on identification and development with TES program in sports talented children(K university). 49 sports talented children(boys: 9.8±1.2 years, n=29; girls: 9.7±1.1 years, n=20) were measured physique factors(height, sitting height, weight, girth of the chest, BMI) and physical fitness factors(sit-up, push-up(male), basketball throwing, standing long jump, side-step, half-squat jump, arm hang(female), 20m PACER, 50m run, sit and reach) pre and post TES program. The results showed that physique factors(height, sitting height, weight, girth of the chest, BMI; p<.001, in male and female) and physical fitness(half-squat jump(all), standing long jump(all), 20m PACER(all), side-step(all), push-up(male),basketball throwing(female), sit-up(female), 50m run(male), p<.001; sit and reach(all), sit-up(male), 50m run(female), p<.01;basketball throwing(male), arm hang(female), p<.05) were significantly increased after 24weeks TES program. KOSTASS scores were elevated in athletics, swimming and gymnastics players following 24 TES program. Consequently, TES program is usefulness for sports talent identification and development in elementary children.
Key Words
Assessment, Usefulness, Sports Talent, Program, Identification, Development
The Effects of an Aquarobics Exercise Program on Body composition and Inflammation Markers in Obese Middle-aged Women 아쿠아로빅 운동프로그램이 비만중년여성의 신체구성과 염증지표에 미치는 영향
조완주WanJuCho , 정홍용HongYongJung
52(3) 483-493, 2013
The Effects of an Aquarobics Exercise Program on Body composition and Inflammation Markers in Obese Middle-aged Women 아쿠아로빅 운동프로그램이 비만중년여성의 신체구성과 염증지표에 미치는 영향
조완주WanJuCho , 정홍용HongYongJung
Although many previous researches have been reported by applying exercise programs to obese middle-aged women, there are few researches have been conducted using an aquarobics program. They were divided into the exercise group(n=11) and the control group(n=11). The exercise group took part in the aquarobics program for 60 minutes, 3 times per week. Blood examination was conducted before and after the program and the effects of program on body composition, blood lipids, and inflammatory markers were compared and analyzed. The aquarobics program was effective for reducing weight, BMI, and % body fat which may prevent metabolic diseases in obese middle-aged women, and also helpful for decreasing blood lipids which may cause cardiovascular diseases. In particular,it reduced TNF-α concentration which is an inflammatory marker of blood vessel inflammation, which demonstrates that it can be a useful exercise program to reduce onset risk of cardiovascular diseases. The fact that weight loss after the aquarobics program led to decrease in IL-6 and increase in Adiponectin secreted from obese cell suggests the possibility to inhibit inflammation in obese patients. As aquarobics do not overstrain joints, it can be strongly recommended for obese middle-aged women.
Key Words
Obese Middle-Aged Women, Aquarobics, Inflammation Markers, Blood Lipids, Body Composition
Analysis of Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters for 20s Korean Women and Effect of Dimensionless-Number 한국 20대 여성 보행의 시ㆍ공간 변인 및 dimensionless-number 효과
52(3) 495-505, 2013
Analysis of Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters for 20s Korean Women and Effect of Dimensionless-Number 한국 20대 여성 보행의 시ㆍ공간 변인 및 dimensionless-number 효과
The purposes of this study were to provide the spatiotemporal gait parameters for healthy 20s Korean women and to evaluate the effect of normalization by dimensionless number. Participants who are walked at a self-selected normal walking speed were photographed using Motion capture system and were analyzed using 3D motion analysis method with OrthoTrak, Matlab & SPSS. Statistically significant difference was not found between both feet for all variables. There are no differences of statistical significances in variables which are step time, stride time, and double support time in compared with published reports. Among the other variables, there was found differences of statistical significant in some of them. When compared to the previous non-normalized data, C.V value was reduced in normalized data. Because of variation is affect to results in statistical analysis, it is better to used a normalized data in gait study.
Key Words
gait, woman, dimensionless, normalization
Effect of rehabilitation training program on Gait for people with Parkinson disease 파킨슨 환자의 재활훈련 프로그램이 보행에 미치는 효과
양창수ChangSooYang , 임비오BeeOhLim
52(3) 507-516, 2013
Effect of rehabilitation training program on Gait for people with Parkinson disease 파킨슨 환자의 재활훈련 프로그램이 보행에 미치는 효과
양창수ChangSooYang , 임비오BeeOhLim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of rehabilitation training program on gait for people with Parkinson disease. Twelve Parkinson's patients with Hoehn and Yahr 3 stages participated in this study. The rehabilitation program consisted of seven exercises items: warming up, flexibility, balance, functional, resistance, gait and cool-down. The participant with Parkinson patients was participated in rehabilitation program for 12 weeks, three times a week. To measure the effect of rehabilitation program, spatio-temporal, kinematics, and kinetics variables were measured before training and after 12 weeks of training. Paired samples t-test with Bonferroni correction was applied to compare the variables between pre and post training. Post-training cadence, stride length, and gait velocity significantly increased while gait time decreased compared to pre-training measurements. Maximum hip flexion, range of motion of flexion/extension, maximum ankle plantar flexion, and range of motion of dorsi/plantar flexion were significantly increased after rehabilitation program. Maximum hip flexion moment and ankle plantar flexion moment were significantly increased after rehabilitation program. In conclusion, The rehabilitation program including seven exercises items: warming up, flexibility, balance, functional, resistance, gait and cool-down improved gait ability of Parkinson's patients.
Key Words
gait, Parkinson, moment, rehabilitation program
An Analysis of the Relationship between Technical Factors for their Performance and Prize Money Earned by Korea Ladies Professional Golf Players KLPGA 선수들의 경기력 기술요인과 획득상금 관계분석
윤소원SoWonYun , 김중헌JungHeonKim , 강성기SeoungKiKang
52(3) 517-526, 2013
An Analysis of the Relationship between Technical Factors for their Performance and Prize Money Earned by Korea Ladies Professional Golf Players KLPGA 선수들의 경기력 기술요인과 획득상금 관계분석
윤소원SoWonYun , 김중헌JungHeonKim , 강성기SeoungKiKang
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between technical factors for their performance and prize money earned by Korea ladies professional golf players for four seasons from 2008 to 2011. For this purpose, the records of 406professional players who participated in KLPGA regular tour were used and descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, multiple regression were conducted using SPSS win 18.0. As a result, first, the average prize money earned by the players is increasing the level of technical factors for their performance is rising. Second, with regard to the relationship between it showed a high corelation between other sub-factors of their performance and prize money earned. Third, in the relevance between technical factors for their performance in each season and prize money earned, the average buddy, recovery rate variables in 2011, 2008and the average buddy, putting and the fairway sitting rate variables in 2010 and the average buddy, the fairway sitting rate variables in 2009 are having an high impact on prize money earned. Taken together, an variable that had affected prize money earned among technical factors for their performance in all four seasons was the average buddy.
Key Words
technical factors for players` performance, prize money earned
Exploration of Outcomes for the System Development of Learning Right Policy 학습권 보장제의 제도적 발전을 위한 운영성과 탐색
이양구YangGuLee , 권형일HyungIlKwon
52(3) 527-538, 2013
Exploration of Outcomes for the System Development of Learning Right Policy 학습권 보장제의 제도적 발전을 위한 운영성과 탐색
이양구YangGuLee , 권형일HyungIlKwon
The present study aims to review student athletes’ basic academic skills per region and analyze the perception of those whose interest in learning is low so as to seek measures to help get over low academic achievement. Study subjects were 326middle-school student athletes in 16 municipal provinces across the country. To analyze the differences in academic skills among those target regions, one-way ANOVA was applied. Also, to improve the internal validity, a nested design was used as part of two-way ANOVA. To analyze the interrelations between student athletes’ perception in each region, correspondence analysis was conducted as well. The analyses found the following points: First, differences were found in school records between student athletes groups engaging in different sports within regions, whereas no difference was found in each sport group. Second, no difference was found between subjects in school records of student athletes in regions where their academic achievement was relatively lower. Third, student athletes in 3 regions except Gyeonggi were found to lack in both academic skills and game performance. Fourth, a significant interrelation was found between student athletes’ perception of guaranteeing the right to learn in each region. Fifth, a significant interrelation was found between student athletes’ perception of participation in learning in each region. Sixth, a significant interrelation was found between student athletes’ perception of sports culture in each region.
Key Words
system, development, Learn, right, policy
Relative Importance of Performance Factors in KBL Games in Regular Season versus Playoffs by analysis on match results KBL 정규시즌과 PLAYOFF 경기 자료를 통한 상대적 요인과 패턴
김세중SaeJoongKim , 이기광KiKwangLee
52(3) 539-550, 2013
Relative Importance of Performance Factors in KBL Games in Regular Season versus Playoffs by analysis on match results KBL 정규시즌과 PLAYOFF 경기 자료를 통한 상대적 요인과 패턴
김세중SaeJoongKim , 이기광KiKwangLee
This study analyzed in order to find out The factor for victory in KBL regular season and play-off, using objective and reasonable method. I analyze held regular season 2925 game for 11 years 2000~2001 from season 2010~2011 Include A championship and additional use play-off 211 game, In order to achieve the object of this research. The analysis method of this data is Data mining and CART algorithm. And I make decision tree model, it analyze using SPSS clementine 11.1. A result in the same as the next. The decision tree model made of two part. One part is 7 factor and 11 pattern play of regular season. Another part is 8 factor and 11 pattern play of play-off. Major victory pattern and factor of regular season is Over 23.5 DEF, Over 16.5 AST. And it show node(%) 22.15, Benefit(%) 34.84, Response(%) 78.63, Index(%) 157.25. Major victory pattern and factor of play-off is Over 22.5 DEF, Over 19.5 AST, Over 7.5 FT, Under 4.5 GD. And it show node(%) 13.03, Benefit(%) 25.59, Response(%) 98.18, Index(%) 196.36
Key Words
Korea Basketball League, Regular Season Game, Playoff Game, Data Mining, decision tree model
Effects of caloric restriction and endurance exercise on mitochondrial biogenesis in cardiac muscle of high fat diet induced obese mice 식이제한과 지구성 운동이 식이유도 비만 생쥐의 심장조직 내미토콘드리아 생합성에 미치는 영향
Effects of caloric restriction and endurance exercise on mitochondrial biogenesis in cardiac muscle of high fat diet induced obese mice 식이제한과 지구성 운동이 식이유도 비만 생쥐의 심장조직 내미토콘드리아 생합성에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of long-term endurance exercise training on mitochondrial biogenesis in cardiac muscle of high fat diet induced obese mice. 50 male mice were randomly assigned for 5 group, except control group, 40 mice were fed high fat diet for 6 weeks. After that period, 40 mice were randomly assigned for 4 group (exercise, caloric restriction, exercise+caloric restriction group). Treadmill running(speed 20~22m/min, slop 6 %, 65min/day, 5day/week) were used for exercise treatment and daily consumption were reduced to 65 % of daily total consumption of control group. Combined teat group were adjusted daily caloric expenditure to the level of other group. Body weight of exercise or caloric restriction group were significantly decreased to the level of control group after 8wk treatment. Endurance exercise treatment increased mitochondrial biogenesis of cardiac muscle, but caloric restriction was not. Therefore endurance exercise will be more effective for cardioprotection than caloric restriction.
Effects of Aerobic Exercise upon Characteristic of Biochemistry of Testicular cell in the Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats 유산소 운동이 Streptozotocin 유도 당뇨쥐 생식세포의 생화학적 특성에 미치는 영향
Effects of Aerobic Exercise upon Characteristic of Biochemistry of Testicular cell in the Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats 유산소 운동이 Streptozotocin 유도 당뇨쥐 생식세포의 생화학적 특성에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of aerobic exercise upon characteristic of biochemistry on of Testicular tissue in the streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. 10 week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into control group (CON; n=15), diabetes group (DM; n=15) and diabetes-exercise group (DM-EX; n=15). The rats in DM-EX group was made to swim(5 days/week, 60 min/day) for 12 weeks without load. In DM group, glucose transporter-3 (GLUT-3), lactate dehydrogenase C-4 (LDHC-4) and monocarboxylate transporter-2 (MCT-2) protein reduced in the testicular tissue compared to the CONl group (p<.05). In contrast, in DM-EX group, GLUT-3, LDHC-4 and MCT-2 protein enhanced in the testicular tissue compared to the DM group (p<.05). These results showed that swimming exercise improves functions of biochemistry of testicular tissue in the diabetes.
Effects of Nordic Walking Exercise on Bone Density and Bone Relation Factors in Elderly Women 노르딕 걷기운동이 노인 여성의 골밀도 및 골 관련 지표에 미치는 영향
52(3) 571-584, 2013
Effects of Nordic Walking Exercise on Bone Density and Bone Relation Factors in Elderly Women 노르딕 걷기운동이 노인 여성의 골밀도 및 골 관련 지표에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 20weeks nordic walking exercise on bone density, free radical,antioxidant capacity and blood vessel elasticity in elderly women. Subject of nordic walking exercise group performed the walking at 50~70%HRmax for 30~40min/session four times per week for 20weeks. The change of BQI and T-score were significantly increased after nordic walking exercise for 20weeks. Also, antioxidant capacity was significantly increased after nordic walking for 20weeks. And, free radical and blood vessel elasticity such at left hand, right hand, left foot, right foot were significantly decreased after nordic walking for 20weeks respectively. In the analysis of correlation, there are significant correlation between bone density and free radical(antioxidant capacity) as well as between bone density and blood vessel elasticity. Also, there are significant correlation between blood vessel elasticity wave velocity and free radical as well as between blood vessel elasticity and antioxidant capacity. In conclusions, this study suggests that the 20weeks nordic walking exercise program can improve bone density, free radical, antioxidant capacity and blood vessel elasticity in elderly women.